Thank You for Another Great Conference!
10/15/2014 by sarah
Hello CYSA Members:
I wanted to take an opportunity to thank all of the members of our “YSB family” who attended the 42nd Annual CYSA Conference on Friday October 3rd. I also want to thank all of you for your vote of confidence by extending my role as CYSA President. It is an honor to represent all of Connecticut’s Youth Service Bureaus which are members of the association. The past two years we have accomplished a great deal as an association, which has benefited YSBs in many ways: financially, legislatively, and professionally. Our voices are being heard louder and more often at state agency tables, we have secured grants, hired consultants, retained the services of our dedicated lobbyist, and both welcomed new faces to the YSB family, and bid fare well to veteran YSB professionals who left a lasting impression on me, and I am sure on many of you as well.
I was pleased that we were able to secure LT. Governor Nancy Wyman as our key note speaker for this years’ conference, especially due to her very tight schedule these days. I especially appreciated that she seemed to really understand and recognize the fact that we are on the ground & on the front line, advocating for and serving CT’s children, youth, and families every day!
I would like to thank our corporate sponsor Rushford: A Hartford HealthCare Partner, our exhibitors, and presenters who attended the conference to share their services, information, and expertise. Thanks to our MC, Michelle Piccerello and our awards presenter, Cephus Nolen for keeping things on schedule! I have received a great deal of positive feedback from people regarding the break-out sessions. I enjoyed presenting with Joel and Barry Goff on effective ways to use data (we actually made it sort of fun!) And let me not forget to thank all of the people who worked tirelessly to put the conference together. A great deal of time, effort, and coordination go into putting this event together for all of you. To the CYSA Professional Development Committee, which includes our CYSA consultant Sarah Bourdon, please accept my “kudos” for a job well done!
I look forward to another successful year and realize now more than ever that YSBs are up to the Challenge everyday: Doing More with Less!
Special thanks to: LT. Governor Nancy Wyman, Dr. Agnes Quinones (SDE), Fran Carino (State’s Attorney Office), Dr. Foye Smith (Court Support Services Division), Dr. Barry Goff (Charter Oak Group), Michelle Doucette-Cunningham (After School Network), Andy Fleischman (Nutmeg Big Brothers Big Sisters), Marc Bassos (East Hartford Youth Outreach Coordinator), Erica Bromley (CYSA Juvenile Justice Liaison), Joel Rosenberg (AHM YSB), and the clinical staff from Milford YSB.
Also a big thank you to our conference exhibitors: Wende Cooper, CASAC; Michelle Doucette Cunningham, CT After School Network; Donna Zaharevitz, CT. Council on Problem Gambling; Kelly Cronin, Kelly’s Kids; Andrew Moore, Nat’l. League of Cities; and Jim Cantoni, Realizing Dreams.
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