Legislative Update 3.27.15
3/30/2015 by sarah
This Week At The Capitol:
As the Committees begin to hit their deadlines, things are beginning to slow down just a bit.
Of course the budget continues to be top priority and clearly remains the elephant in the room.
On Wednesday evening, the Office of Fiscal Analysis reported that THIS YEAR’S budget deficit has grown to nearly $190 million. If the Comptroller’s office agrees and certifies that number, then technically, that would trigger the Governor to call the Legislature into session in order to mitigate that deficit. OPM has said that there could potentially be yet another round of rescission cuts made, however, that remains to be seen. I will keep you up to date.
As for next year’s budget…I have spent the better part of the last two weeks speaking with members of the secondary education subcommittee, explaining why YSBs should not be cut and how they could be funded. I have explained that JRBs run by YSBs have been doing the same work, (for 30+ years), that the SBDI micro program purports to be doing for a lot less money and YSBs should be made whole before expanding that particular program. Legislators have for the most part been receptive, however, the subcommittee is now working behind closed doors to craft their part of the budget. I will do my best to gleam any information I can and report back to you as soon as possible.
Invitations have gone out to specific Legislators to be panelists for YSB Day at the Capitol. If I’m not mistaken, I believe the date is set for May 6th. I encourage all YSB Directors to bring their kids up for the day. If you choose to do so, I suggest contacting your Legislators PRIOR to coming to the Capitol so they can set aside time to meet with you. It is very likely the Legislature will be in session that day and Legislators will be busy. So please, make contact with them in advance.
As always, please contact me at your convenience should you have any questions or concerns about these or any other Legislative matters. Also, please share this information with your members as you see fit.
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