Monday, March 30, 2015 |
It isn’t every day that a child of fifteen can walk into a J.C. Penny and claim whatever she wants. For Suhailey Oday that moment came once and she sought to make the most of it. With her friend as backup, Suhailey entered the department store armed with nothing but an empty bag. She would see something that caught her eye and immediately tuck it away without concern for the price. When she was through browsing and concealing the items, she tried to make a quick and easy getaway. That was until she was stopped at the entrance by an undercover mall security guard, who had been following her every move from the perfumes to the shoes and through to the lingerie section. Read More..... |
Monday, March 30, 2015 |
As the Committees begin to hit their deadlines, things are beginning to slow down just a bit.
Of course the budget continues to be top priority and clearly remains the elephant in the room.
On Wednesday evening, the Office of Fiscal Analysis reported that THIS YEAR’S budget deficit has grown to nearly $190 million. If the Comptroller’s office agrees and certifies that number, then technically, that would trigger the Governor to call the Legislature into session in order to mitigate that deficit. OPM has said that there could potentially be yet another round of rescission cuts made, however, that remains to be seen. I will keep you up to date. Read More..... |
Friday, March 27, 2015 |
Representatives from community service organizations and several area schools met in Thompson on March 19 for a presentation on the Northern Quiet Corner Justice Review Board. Facilitated by the Thompson Ecumenical Empowerment Group, JRB Supervisor Diane Farquharson and JRB Case Manager Jennifer Plaza gave a brief rundown on how the program works and who could refer juveniles to the system. Read More..... |
Monday, March 23, 2015 |
Less hectic! Those are the words that described this week in regards to Youth Service Bureaus. I told you last week that Rep. Andy Fleischmann had requested information of CYSA about the overlap of the SBDI program with what services YSBs already provide. That information has been put together and sent it to him. Read More..... |
Wednesday, March 18, 2015 |
Last week I told you that Rep. Fleischmann requested specific information and data from CYSA in regards to funding, JRBs and how the micro SBDI program overlaps YSB programming. This week that gathered information bore fruit (more on that in a moment). |
Thursday, March 12, 2015 |
OP ED Written by Vernon YSB Director Alan Slobodien about the importance YSBs play locally and statewide. |
Thursday, March 12, 2015 |
This Week At The Capitol: This was another busy but productive week for Youth Service Bureaus. Click here to read more..... |
Wednesday, February 18, 2015 |
1. YSBS were obliterated with a complete cut of the enhancement line item of $620,000.00 and $700,000.00 was cut from of the Cost Sharing Grant line item from SDE. A total loss of 1.3 million dollars for YSBs. 2. YSBs were moved from SDE Management to be under the management of DCF! |
Monday, January 19, 2015 |
CYSA has scheduled its next Professional Development Training on Emotional Freedom Techniques: Tapping |