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Credit Card Payments 

Thursday, September 10, 2015
To pay for the Annual Conference with a credit card

Legislative Update - June 30, 2015 

Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Final update for this Legislative Session.

JRB Conference Presentions are Now Available 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Weekly Legislative Update 6.8.15 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015
So, how did YSBs do? In the end, we were able to mitigate a nearly $1.4 million cut down to $150,000. Yes, it is a cut and I hate every penny of it! However, but for the work WE ALL DID, it could’ve been so much worse!!! Every single person who made a phone call, sent an email, spoke to their legislators, deserves credit for showing the power of what a dedicated group of people can do to change policy. I thank you all! Read More...

JRB Conference 

Monday, June 8, 2015
Information regarding the conference. Go to our homepage to register.

Weekly Legislative Update 6.1.15 

Monday, June 1, 2015
If members have not already done so, please call their legislators asking for their support for the YSB funding. Every call matters! Read More....

Weekly Legislative Update 5.22.15 

Thursday, May 28, 2015
I highly recommend that YSB Directors and supporters begin calling their Legislators requesting that YSB funding remains in the budget at the levels that both the Appropriations Committee and Republican alternative budgets set forth. Read More.

Weekly Legislative Update 5.10.15 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015
What a great week for YSBs! Wednesday was the 11th annual YSB Day at the Capitol! While I can’t speak for the attendees or staff who put the event together, from my standpoint, the day went very well. Yes, we had to maneuver around an 11:00 a.m. Appropriations Committee meeting which robbed us of several of the Legislators we expected for our panel discussion, however, those who did make it were exceptional! This was by far the largest number of kids we’ve had at this event…ever! Read More.....

Weekly Legislative Update 4.24.15 

Sunday, May 3, 2015
Senate and House Republicans announced their alternative budget Friday morning. I am happy to report that YSBs were treated exceedingly well as they restored EVERY PENNY of YSB funding in both line items back into the budget.

Weekly Legislative Update 4.10.15 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015
The unofficial mid-session lull has hit the Capitol. All but three Committees (Judiciary, Appropriations and Finance) have met their deadlines and are in fact acting on bills referred to them by both Chambers. Read More,,,,,

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