Mental Health Services and YSBs
Tuesday, April 30, 2013 by CYSA
Written by Barbara A. Lockhart, M.S.
President, Connecticut Youth Services Association
Director, Montville Youth Service Bureau
I would like to focus on the issue of mental health as it relates to the overall safety of the children and families in our CT communities. I believe that it is important for everyone to be aware of the myriad of mental health services that are delivered through Youth service Bureaus in many of CT’s communities. With the recent tragedy in Newtown fresh in our minds, CYSA feels that collecting an inventory of mental health services offered by CT YSBs is warranted now more than ever. We all know that when tragedy strikes a community that even though initially these communities are inundated with offers of help and support; the truth is that ultimately communities need and rely on “each other” more than anyone else, and this often includes connecting with and reaching out to community agencies such as YSBs. Often the comfort and familiarity that children and families have with their local YSB has a history.
The recent requirements of CT schools to improve school climate and create student success plans ties directly into the overall mental, social, and emotional well-being of both children and families in our communities. Children who feel connected to a network of caring adults, and believe they can ask for help, and adults that are aware of the needs of children provides an opportunity to access the services that may be needed. Often schools refer to and partner with YSBs in their efforts to provide students and their families with the support they need in many situations such as family discord, crisis intervention, etc. Schools also often call upon an YSB as a part of the crisis response team for incidents that may warrant our presence.
CYSA is collected this information through an email survey and you can click here to read the summary.