Open Letter from CYSA's Board President
Tuesday, June 18, 2013 by sarah
June 18, 2013
Happy Summer Everyone!
I just wanted to take a moment to wish all of you a happy, safe, and fun summer season! What a year it has been for the State of Connecticut. We have had our share of triumphs and tragedies, and through it all I know one constant prevailed, which was a sense of community solidarity. Whether responding to the devastation of Hurricane Sandy, or one of the saddest days in CT with the truly horrific events in Newtown at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, the people of Connecticut (and even beyond) rose to the challenges faced by those impacted by the storms, and the families of the Newtown victims with kindness, grace, and compassion. Volunteers flooded in from all over simply offering whatever help they could to ease the pain of others. This is the best side of human nature that we often forget exists inside each and every one of us.
Of course YSBs were right on the front line offering our assistance and support. Clothing, food, & toiletry drives were quickly implemented, & YSBs assisted in organizing emergency shelters and helping local families find some measure of comfort and relief. In response to the tragedy in Newtown YSBs offered crisis and trauma intervention services and counseling services for both the families and the first responders whom will forever be changed by this sad day. The outpouring of support that so many of CT’s families have received from so many organizations, businesses, individuals, and families in response to these difficult times was admirable and appreciated. In the months that have followed CYSA became more deeply involved at the state capitol regarding legislation which pertained to both school safety and mental health. Several CYSA members/YSB Directors either testified in person or submitted testimony on both of these important issues on multiple occasions and as a result YSB’s are now a part of the conversation regarding these two crucial issues.
The completion of the newly upgraded and freshly redesigned CYSA website is a major accomplishment for YSBs statewide. This site, which functions as a virtual office for the association is a great resource for a diverse audience of people involved in youth and family services work. The tireless efforts of your chapter representatives, the CYSA Board, our CYSA consultant, and the CYSA lobbyist made for a banner year for Connecticut’s YSBs! We are looking forward to another amazing year for 2013-2014. Please do not hesitate to call upon us should you need anything. Again, I wish you all a happy, safe, and healthy summer season!
Best regards ~ Barbara