CYSA Awarded LIST Contract
Monday, May 19, 2014 by sarah
Hello CYSA Members!
I just wanted to take a moment to share with the membership some really good news, CYSA has received the LIST contract effective July 1, 2014. This grant will provide funding (yes, this means dollars attached!) for 11 of Connecticut’s Juvenile Court District LISTs to continue the exemplary work each LIST has already accomplished since their inception in 2009. A great deal of work went into completing this RFP, and I wish to thank all of you for your support and patience, especially those charged with answering all the questions, creating budgets which aligned with the requirements of the RFP, and attending to several requests for clarifications during the grant review process. I would especially like to thank Erica Bromley, Kelly Cronin, Sarah Bourdon, and Michelle Piccerello for their time and dedication to the process under a very tight deadline!
This is the first major grant which CYSA has received in over 40 years of existence, and I truly believe that it is only the beginning of the association exploring options in the world of grant funding. I look forward to working with the board and the membership on advancing the success of CYSA in the coming years.
I also wanted to share a bit of (good) legislative news. According to CYSA lobbyist, Jay Aronson, the YSB line items for cost-sharing and enhancement are currently “whole” in the state budget. As you know these things can change in a flash so keep advocating whenever possible. It seems that some YSBs are having more local trials & tribulations than state level ones, so please support each other in any and all ways possible! CYSA is here for help as well, so please contact me if you need backup and we will gather up the team to provide our support through letters, public testifying, and more.
As the school year draws to a close, YSBs know that summer stays busy as ever for those of us on the front line of working with kids and families. These are the reasons that we have become the “corner stone of trust” in over 145 of Connecticut’s communities!
Wishing you all a happy & healthy spring season!
Best regards ~ Barbara