YSB Day a Great Success!
Monday, April 21, 2014 by sarah
Dear fellow CYSA members:
I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you whom participated in the 2014 YSB Day at the Capitol on Tuesday April 15th …..We packed the Old Appropriations room with over 100 youth and adults from YSBs all over the state for a presentation/mini-training on “Youth Focused Mental Health First Aid”, facilitated by Southeastern Regional Action Council Executive Director Michele Devine and Community Outreach Coordinator Angela Duhaime. In light of the focus on Mental Health in Connecticut, and the priority it has taken within the Governor’s agenda and budget plan, it seemed fitting for CYSA to devote YSB day to this important topic.
We were very fortunate to have three members of the Connecticut legislature on our guest panel to talk about, and share with all the participants their experiences with mental health work, both as grass roots workers, and as part of their legislative agenda. Representatives Tim Bowles, Kevin Ryan, and Diana Urban, we thank you for taking the time out of your very busy schedules to spend time with all of us discussing this very important issue, and for sharing what you are doing to help advance legislation to address ways we can improve programs, services, and close the gaps in both.
But most importantly I would really like to thank and recognize all the youth, and young adults who gave a day of their coveted school vacation week to spend the day with us at the Capitol addressing the important issue of mental health, especially as it pertains to young people in our state. I know that many of you met with your own local legislators, and I having young people at the Capitol is something legislators love to have happen, as they are cognizant of the fact that young people are literally going to be shaping the future.
Thank you to all the adult chaperones, YSB frontline folks, and volunteers whom attended as well. Just another example of positive youth development and the cultivation of strong leadership skills at work. Thank you to all my co-workers, and colleagues for helping to make this day a success: CYSA VP Erica Bromley, CYSA Secretary Michelle Piccerello, CYSA board member Lori Stanczyc, MYSB’s Kim Grant, CYSA Consultant Sarah Bourdon, and CYSA Lobbyist Jay Aronson. I would also like to thank SERAC’s Michele Devine and Angela Duhaime for your knowledge, skills, and patience in facilitating for such a large group. And again our thank you to Reps. Bowles, Ryan, and Urban!
Wishing all of you both a Safe and Happy Easter & Passover season! ~ Barbara