Wednesday, May 29, 2013
by sarah
In light of the conversations surrounding school safety, new legislation proposed and new mandates implemented, I thought this would be an interesting read for YSB folks. ~ Barbara Lockhart, CYSA President Click Here to read article.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013
by sarah
In light of the recent tragedies in both Newtown and Boston; an since the subject of mental health is at the forefront of conversations at the federal, state, and local levels, I wanted to share the following article that was published in the newsletter of a local hospital in SE Connecticut. Click here to read more.

Friday, May 3, 2013
by sarah
On Wednesday, May 1, 2013, over 100 youth from across the state joined together to talk about what a safe school meant to them. Most of the groups were able to meet with their legislators and all were addressed by a panel of Legislators including Representative Diana Urban , Senator Dante Bartolomeo, Senator Toni Boucher and Agnes Quinones from the State Department of Education. Youth discussed aspects that they felt made up a safe school including School Climate, Physical Plant (of the school campus) and Mental Health/Health Services and Staffing. There was so much positive energy in the room - both from the youth attending and the legislators they had a chance to interact with. Thanks to members of the General Assembly for welcoming us and for the YSBs who were able to attend and bring youth. Lastly, thanks to the youth themselves who provided inspiration and enthusiasm. We look forward to meeting up again next year for the 8th annual YSB Day at the Capitol.
Look for a detailed report of the day's activities coming soon!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013
by sarah
Welcome to CYSA's new website. It was designed with our members' needs in mind. You will find lots of information here as well as have an opportunity to share what is working for you in your community. We will be looking for guest bloggers and success stories that show how special and unique YSBs are. So take a moment, and check it out - send us your feedback and your successes to be shared with others at Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of Connecticut's families!
