Happy Autumn
Monday, September 23, 2013 by sarah
Happy Autumn CYSA Member YSBs!
As we begin the fall season I wish to take this opportunity to thank all of you for the amazing work that you have accomplished this past year. It is my sincere hope that each of you know that you have the support and respect of CYSA. According to Connecticut General Statute 10-19m youth service bureaus are charged with being the coordinating community agency for prevention, intervention, and diversion services and programs…and well, I will say what from what I have seen, heard, and practiced we have met the charge with both diligence and success!
I also realize that everyone of us keep very busy schedules, and time away from the office is really difficult to arrange, but I ask you to please be sure to allow some time in your hectic schedules to join CYSA as we celebrate our 41st Anniversary on Friday October 4th, 2013. Registration information is available on the CYSA web site: www.ctyouthservices.org . This years’ conference promises to be one of our best yet. My hat is off to the CYSA Professional Development Committee for organizing what promises to be a spectacular day at the Crown Plaza in Cromwell. Securing Lieutenant J. Paul Vance of the Connecticut State Police as both an honoree, and guest speaker is especially exciting.
In my 17 years in the YSB world I have yet to miss an annual conference; I look forward to this event every year. It allows all of us to give ourselves recognition for the important work we do as individual YSB directors, and as a collective of people who care about their communities deeply and passionately. This event also allows us to recognize our staff and other individuals and groups that are committed to the mission of YSBs statewide. So please be sure to register ASAP. I look forward to seeing all of you on Friday October 4th, and again thank you for all that you have given to the youth and families in Connecticut’s communities!
Warmest regards ~ Barbara
CYSA Board President